Monday, December 8, 2008

I dont understand why things happen the way they do

How can a mentally stable human being allow any form of animal cruelty to happen to innocent and harmless animals? How can they bear to hear those animals scream for their lives and still carry out the experiment? The human race has gone too far with the treatment of innocent animals. They need to come to their senses, or we might have to face the extinction of dogs and cats in the near future. Please do share any ideas you have about the situation were facing!

What does the Animal Testing Logo look like?

Click here to find out. 

For Your Information

Some might say that as long as scientists cure the animals after they experiment on them, animal testing can then be considered acceptable. According to the organization of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), over three million animals have been tortured in the name of research. Why are so many people against the idea of animal testing? It is not because animals are having chemicals inserted into their bodies; it is because of the cruelty that goes on within the laboratories.

            George Bernard Shaw once said, “Cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse, and pretense of reluctance.” What is animal testing? Animal testing, according to the FDA, is an experiment which is used to measure how much of a drug is absorbed into the blood of an animal, how it is broken down chemically, the toxicity of the drug and its breakdown products (metabolites), and how quickly the drug and its metabolites are excreted from the body. ( Laboratories usually use one rodent and one non-rodent to see the effects of the chemicals when combined with the animal’s blood. Clairol, Herbal Essences, Snickers, M&Ms, Twix and shockingly many others are all companies that test on animals. It is so hard to understand how most of the products we use everyday, are products that have harmed animals in many ways. I just found out a few days ago that most of the products I use have been tested on animals. :(

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What Celebrities Are Doing

Click here to view what Celebrities like Paul McCartney are doing to help Animals around the world. 

Whose Skin Are You In?

Acts of Violence

Recent stories have shown that people from around the world have abused innocent animals. The only question that comes to mind is why? Why do they hurt and abuse animals? Can they not hear them screeching and screaming from the pain they are suffering from? Recent stories include one which is about a man who decided to burn his cat's whiskers because she did not listen to his orders. Many of the other stories however talk about how cruelly animals are being treated in laboratories. One says that a few years ago, when scientists were experimenting on monkeys to test different new makeup brands, the monkeys were reported to be mistreated. It turns out that after being experimented on, the scientist threw the monkeys back into their cages without treating them. When I heard of this story, I just wondered how can anyone have the heart to do such a scary act?

Monday, December 1, 2008

In Harmful Hands

Hello Everyone, 
Im sure your wondering what the title of this blog means and what its about. In Harmful Hands is a title which can include any topic that relates to animal cruelty. Animal cruelty can range from abuse to what happens to those poor animals within the science laboratories. This blog will tackle recent issues and current events regarding Animal Cruelty. Not only will I focus on Animal Cruelty, I will also be focusing on how animals we have been raised to know and care about are slowly becoming extinct. This blog will also help spread awareness of this sad and unfortunate issue which we have to face. I look forward to blogging about this issue and helping as many people understand and know what is happening to innocent animals around the world.